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How to Make Money Freelancing 7 Websites to do it

Freelancing is one of the most popular ways to make money Freelancing from home.

It is another way to run your own business; in another hand, you can make extra cash from freelancing online, and you might find yourself in that kind of work more than the traditional jobs.

How to Make Money Freelancing

I will talk about my own experience in freelancing, when I decided to start freelancing, I did not know what to do, where to start, or what field should I work in freelancing, my only concern was making money freelancing.

I later found out that this is not the way to go; you should start in something you are passionate about or enjoy doing, later, the money will come from this work, but it takes time and effort. It does not matter what your skills are now, because you need to develop them continuously.

The important thing is that making money from independent work will become a way of life for you, and you may spend long hours working while you are having fun.

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Where do I start?

In reality; anything that can be delivered through writing, audio, video, or downloads, you can start in it.

Browse around the websites about freelancing and you will get

 different types of jobs and how much can you make.

We will talk about how to make money freelancing and the best

 websites to start and do it

What I should do to make money freelancing online?

There are many things you should do to (start making money freelancing).

Decide what services you like to work in it, here you have to think about your skills, some skills seem simple for you, but important points for potential clients.

Later you have to specify the projects you have the most professional experience in it. I can give you some ideas for freelance jobs: (Article, Copywriting, Social media management, Website designing, Website developing, Programming, Graphic designing, Online teaching or tutoring, Sales, Customer support, Languages translator, Video or photo editing, Repetitive SEO tasks, Mailing Lists….. etc).

Then, you have to think about your client's needs; in freelancing, you can choose your client and the projects, so why not choose what you love to make money freelancing?

Develop your portfolio of businesses, before thinking about setting a price for your business, later you can ask for the price you want.

In parallel, being your business portfolio necessarily means having clients who want to work with you constantly.

Finally, you should browse the sites through which you can provide your services to the clients who want them. These sites are concerned with types of freelancing work services.

After you have drawn up your plan to work as a freelancer, now you have to be patient, because, the money will not come quickly, and after you build your image with clients, you will be able to impose your price conditions. Freelancing is a dream come true, you can start now making money freelancing online.

How to Make Money Freelancing

How much money can I make freelancing?

This is the basic question that anyone asks when he decides or thinks about starting a freelance business.

However, in fact, there is no specific answer to this question. The amount of money varies according to the nature of the service, your skills in providing and implementing it, the amount of work that this service requires, the period that you need for completion, the nature of the clients, the image that you drew in the minds of your clients, and the speed of completion.

Any freelancer suffers from price competition. Some freelancers provide services at low prices, which makes them more competitive than other freelancers who have experience, but their prices are higher.

Do not worry, do not enter into a price competition if you are confident in your abilities, and do not confine yourself to this competition. You have to develop your skills and the money comes later, even if you have to work for free in the beginning.

read more about freelancing

What are the freelance Websites to Make Money Freelancing?

Freelancing happens through one of the platforms listed.

 You may be the owner of the site, or you may provide your services on one of the freelancing sites, so the entrepreneurs choose you to provide the service you offer in return for money, then the entrepreneurs pay the site, which in turn pays you after you finished the work.

DesignCrowdالوصف: as sit to make money freelancing online:

You can make money freelancing on this site by graphics and design, entrepreneurs set their budget and freelancers bid on the project, your business portfolio, capabilities, and experience displayed have a major role in choosing you to implement the project.


It is a great site for design and marketing jobs, Entrepreneurs determine what they want, and then they look for a professional to do the services they need, in addition to that, they set the budget that they are willing to pay for these services, which makes freelancers out of price competition.


It is a site for video courses, you can make a few-hour course, and the instructor makes about $7,000 on their courses, You need time to design and set up courses, but your earnings will be great.


A freelancer website, in which limited services are provided for $ 5, where you can achieve your wealth by increasing your sales of the services you provide, you can build a relationship with customers to offer your services outside this site at higher prices.


It is a site where clients subscribe to packages from 1 hour to 3 hours for an amount of more than $ 35, and it works 24 hours a day, it works to bring together students with tutors.

Hootsuite Pro:

It is not a freelancing site, but it is a good site to manage social media, Hootsuite makes management of the client's social networks easy.


It was established in 2004, It is an older site, This site helps freelancers to start working as a freelancer, through a group of projects, in the field of technology and other fields.

You can also make money freelancing online, through your own website, and through direct contact with clients, but this takes longer.

In general, there is no quick way to start off making money freelancing, but if you believe in your abilities and work to develop your skills, you will earn a lot of freelance work with patience.

Economic consultant , work at Bemo Saudi Fransi bank in Beirut


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